
濮阳市仁和实业有限公司成立于2001年9月,是中原石油勘探局行业中心的成员企业,是集钻采设备及配件工具的科研、制造、修理、技术服务、贸易于一体的综合性公司。 公司位于市卫都路东段路南,占地13600平方米。其中办公面积2200平方米,厂房面积5360平方米。公司拥有固定资产1400万元,各种生产设备、检测设备、计量器具齐全。公司具有坚实的专业技能和较强的技术开发能力,研制开发了十几项专利产品。以质量求效益是企业生存之本,已取得了gb/t19001-2008质量管理体系认证和美国石油协会api认证。公司的市场目标是立足中原、面向全国、走向世界。目前,产品销往全国各油田,并出口到印度、哈萨克斯坦、美国。得到客户好评。 公司秉承一惯的“待人已诚,执事以信”的宗旨,坚持“用户利益为企业根本利益”的经营理念,给客户提供优质产品,服务周到,欢迎广大新老客户莅临指导与合作! puyang renhe industry was founded in september our company is a comprehensive scientific and technologic private enterprise ,mainly specializes in research , development ,production of the drilling fittings and downhole tools, sales and our company covers 13,600 square meters which the office building parts occupies 2,200 square meters and the workshop parts is 5,360 square we have fixed assets of 140 million yuan owning advanced equipments including variety of testing facilities, production equipment, measuringwe have a solid professional skills and strong technical development capabilities, developed dozens of proprietary the market aim of our company is prevailing in homeland, targeting at present, our company has been supplying petroleum machinery products to foreign oilfield markets such as india, kazakhstan, azerbaijan, indonesia and we has passed iso9001:2008 and api certification .all products are designed and processed in accordance with api our company holds the polices of “treat clients with empressement, do business with honesty”, and aims at providing clients with satisfying products . welcome friends to renhe industry for visits, guidance and business [了解更多]



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    通讯地址:河南 濮阳市 华龙区 产业集聚区 浙ICP备17016739号-4
